
Universal Fertilizer Granulat

Our granulat fertilizer is a great way to impact new energy into soil.
It is made out of rich organic matter that helps to improve soil fertility, healthy growth and increased yield.
In cases where the soil has been exhausted, be it through over cultivation or through the use of hash chemicals, GGO Granulat can be mixed into the soil to revive and activate it.
It is very efficient for pre plant application, easy to handle as a compact and dry product, therefore preventing ant runoff as the granules as slowly released into your soil .

Animal and Poultry Supplements

Grow Green Booster No.1 is a highly suffisticated, yet well balanced supplement for your animals and poultry farming. This supplement contains high amounts of vitamins A and C, B1, B2, B3, calcium, protein, beta- carotene, diary fibre and a lot more. It is Anticoccidial, an effective means of controlling invasion by Eimeria tenella, the organism responsible for causing coccidiosis and other deadly problems in chickens. It is anti oxidant, anti inflammatory and can prevent diarrhea in bird and animals.


Rooting Agen

Liquid Power Stable Crops

GGO Liquid Power is a concentrate which provides nutrients right away to your plants. It is an ideal way to feed not only your young crops but also a quick booster for already grown crops with rich organic bio microbes, nutrients and minerals for their steady and healthy growth.

This plant food provides high levels of Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium which is needed for a sustainable increased yield and soil health.
Given the need for more output with less input, GGO fertilizers go a long way to promote agriculture in both large and small scale production. Grow Green, Live Green.

Liquid Power Tuber Crops

Our GGO TUBER CROPS is enriched with high levels of phosphorus and potassium. NKP OF 5-10-8 fertilizer provides the smaller amount of nitrogen needed for root crops while supporting root and stem growth. Phosphorus and potassium both encourage the strong, healthy root system necessary for strong and big tuber formation.
Yams, cassava, potatoes,cocoyams...

Liquid Power Vegetables

This potent plant food, is a blend that contains purely organic materials that feed your vegetables with rich nutrients.
A combination of NKP 5-4-5 helps your garden crops with enough foliage and stem stability. Enjoy a quick and massiveharvest.

Orchards Fertilizer